We continue to collaborate with our IHE (university) partner to recruit for the school counselor residency project (SCR). However, due to federal funding freezes, the status of living stipends for upcoming SCR residents remains uncertain. We will provide more information as soon as it becomes available.

The School Counselor Residency (SCR) project is a countywide Pupil Personnel Services Credential program between the Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE), in partnership with Fresno Pacific University, and school districts in Tulare County.
The Master of Arts in School Counseling degree with Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling authorizes an individual to work as a credentialed School Counselor in a public school setting.
Marvin Lopez, M.B.A., M.S.M.
Executive Director
Leslie Kelly, M.A.Ed., M.S., PPSC
Program Manager - I, Leslie.Kelly@tcoe.org

Funded by the United States of America Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (Award # S184H220207).